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Mahasewel Ikrar Sokong Bersih 3 Suku

KUALA LUMPUR, 16 April - Mahasiswa yang berhimpun dalam demonstrasi anti-PTPTN hari ini juga menyokong penuh dengan perhimpunan 'Duduk dan Bantah' yang akan diadakan 28 April ini.

Menurut kenyataan media seramai 39 kumpulan anak muda dan mahasiswa bersatu dan berjanji untuk bersolidariti bersama rakyat dalam himpunan tersebut (Bersih3.0).

39 kumpulan tersebut antaranya,

- Solidariti Anak Muda Mahasiswa (SAMM)
- Malaysia Youth and Students Movement (DEMA)
- Kumpulan Anak Muda Independen (KAMI)
- Persatuan Prihatin Komuniti Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (PRIHATIN)
- LimaPulohB Kolektif (50B)

Pada sebelah pagi tadi menyaksikan berlaku sedikit kekecohan di Dataran Merdeka antara kira-kira 10 orang kumpulan mahasiswa dengan anggota pihak berkuasa.

Pihak berkuasa tempatan DBKL mengarahkan supaya mereka meleraikan khemah yang mereka dirikan mengikut undang-undang dalam taman yang tidak membenarkan mana-mana pihak untuk mendirikan atau membina binaan yang boleh mendatangkan kecacatan pada taman di ibukota itu. Malah pegawai DBKL yang menjalankan tugas itu juga mempersoalkan keadaan padang yang dilihat terdapat kesan-kesan cat dan sampah sarap yang mencacatkan keindahan taman dibawah kelolaan pihak berkuasa itu.

Hal ini tidak disenangi oleh kumpulan pendemo itu dengan alasan mengikut undang-undang Perlembagaan yang membenarkan sesiapa sahaja untuk berhimpun.

Sumber : Bersih 3 Suku

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  1. Bdk gmok tu suara cam itik.... ? Alaaa bdk2 tu blkg beranila... Klau kna tindakn kecut...

  2. There are only 2 natural ways of getting any substance into your body:

    1. By Eating it (Ingestion) or

    2. By Breathing it (Inhalation)

    Thorium-232 in clay soil cannot get into you blood stream if you eat it because of it's strong adsorption to clay (stuck firmly to clay).

    As explained below, you need to eat far more than 17,000 Kilograms of Lynas waste before you can get cancer in about 30 years time in your old age.

    Likewise, you need to breathe in 3.4 Kilograms of Lynas waste (in order to get 5.58 gm of Thorium or 1 vial of Thorotrast) to get cancer in about 30 years time !

    As stated, Kuantan people are not MINERS and as such it is impossible to inhale 3.4 Kilograms even in a life-time !

    Thorium-232 is harmless when outside the body as it produces only alpha rays which cannot penetrate even a thin piece of paper.

    All you have to do is to wrap it up in a piece of newspaper and it will become virtually non-radioactive.

    So if Thoriun-232 cannot get into the body in significant amount by inhalation or ingestion and it poses no external threat,


    My Reply to Soo Jin Hou’s Letter in the Sun Daily

    “LET’S de-politicise the Lynas issue” (Letters, March 23) refers.
    The writer said 0.02% to 0.05% of ingested thorium is absorbed and gets into the blood stream. Absorption studies were done on animals for obvious reasons, and in the vast majority of these, the thorium was not mixed with clay, which binds very strongly to the clay particles i.e. adsorbed.

    Thorium-232 is strongly bound (adsorbed) by soil especially clay soil. The thorium concentration in the clay particles is about 500,000% higher than in the water between the clay particles (the interstitial spaces of the clay particles). So, it cannot be leached out by water or intestinal juice.

    When ingested, there is insignificant absorption of the thorium because of this strong bond between clay particles and thorium. Practically all the thorium will be excreted in the faeces with the clay.
    So the actual amount of thorium that is absorbed into the blood stream when mixed with clay soil as in the case of the Lynas waste is much, much less than 0.02%.

    Since Lynas waste contains 1,650 parts of thorium per million and even if we take the inflated rate of 0.02% absorption, it would mean that to get 0.33g of thorium into the blood stream, we have to swallow 1,000kg (1 tonne) of Lynas waste!

    Practically all the data on the carcinogenic effects of thorium-232 was obtained retrospectively from the intravenous use of a massive dose of thorium dioxide called Thorotrast (a 25cc vial of a 25% colloidal suspension of thorium dioxide) in investigative radiological studies.

    Studies appear to show that a small number out of the 4 million patients who were given this massive dose of 1 or 2 vials (containing 5.58g to 11.7g of thorium) of Thorotrast, developed cancer especially of the liver 20 to 30 years later in their old age.

    So in order to get 5.58g of thorium-232 (equivalent to 1 vial of Thorotrast), we have to swallow an incredible 17,000kg or 17 tonnes of Lynas waste!

    I do not think anybody in Kuantan will be able to swallow 17 tonnes of Lynas waste … and that is assuming that the thorium-232 is not strongly adsorbed to clay particles.

    With respect to the inhalation of thorium-232, all studies were conducted on workers in the uranium or thorium mining or refining industry and not on populations in towns like Kuantan, and therefore do not apply to the present issue.

    Datuk Dr Looi Hoong Wah


komen² anda akan dipublish setelah disahkan..

terima kasih daun keladi..
esok² sudi la komen lagi..